• North bay, East Bay and San Francisco
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When to Buy Organic Fruits and Vegetables, When to Buy Local


So by now you’ve checked out what is – or isn’t – in your crisper and fruit bowl (Week 1) and found the store, farmers’ market, or CSA you’d like to be getting your fruits and vegetables from (Week 2). This week’s challenge is to stock up – consistently – on the good stuff. And (you can do it!) to cook and eat it.

Pick your shopping day(s) and get going. In The Conscious Kitchen, I mention a bunch of online places where you can find out what’s in season near you, or you can head to the farmers’ market and see for yourself. Once there, stock up on the widest range of color you can find – green, red, orange, brown – to get all of the flavor and nutrients in. Spring is such a lovely moment for this – there will be new seasonal items rolling into markets weekly. Pea shoots and ramps, then asparagus, and before you know it: strawberries! Yum. But not all produce (even local produce) is created equal and not all venues will have the same range or variety.

Here’s how to choose your fruits and vegetables at the where-to-shop spots discussed in Week Two of The Conscious Kitchen Challenge….

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