• North bay, East Bay and San Francisco
  • 08.00 am - 06.00 pm

Spokane is FAMOUS for Expo's…

HELLO Spokane!

 ~Good News, we’ve got a cool eco event coming up ~
Spokane is famous for EXPO’s ….this should be a fun one to attend.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 11th, 2011 10am-4:00pm at Spokane Community College!
I am promoting this event because it’s going to be fun and also because I recently attended a local Green Roundtable and I must say, I was disappointed. Not in the conversations per say, but in the overall frustration in the room.  My thoughts during the ½ day event kept coming back to YOU. 
The Conscientious Consumer. WE NEED YOU to Engage!
We need you to ask questions of your REALTOR when they are showing YOU homes ~
Questions like: What features to the home is GREEN?
Does it have low VOC paint?
Are the heating and cooling appliances efficient? 
What is their efficiency rating?
What is the U-Factor to the windows? 
What about the insulations in the walls, attic or crawl space? 
What about water conservation considerations?
What GREEN materials or other GREEN features should you point out to me ~
Builder, Lender, Appraiser, Realtor …that I should consider important.
Believe it or not ~ CONSUMERS ~ you are important.  You drive the BUS so to speak.  You are the CEO and get to make the decisions as to what this marketplace is presenting to you and what you are readily going to open up your wallets to buy.
Okay ~ so you understand one very important aspect of GREEN which is;  It Promotes and Provides Greater Energy Efficiency…(save energy, save you money on your utility bills)  ….but what else!
Start asking questions, 
WE NEED YOU to begin to promote as a consumer!
I refuse to see the Hardworking Forefront Builders, Developers, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, Lenders, Appraisers, Realtors, and others… Out-There, working hard to create a new “greener” marketplace get frustrated and Overlooked by the “what’s cheaper today…is what sells!”   
As Consumers, We Have Re-acted This Way For Too-Long and Need To Change Our Buying Behaviors inorder to reach the new economy towards a healthier more financially established marketplace to all thrive-in.
Hope to SEE YOU at the ECO-EXPO, Spokane.  If I can plan on attending a day before My Twin Sons graduation party…you can plan on attending too!
By The Way ~ Congradulations SENIORS.  We are proud of you!  We are all working hard to
work for a healthy world for our children to thrive in and prosper.  Forge ahead Seniors.

DownToEarthNW.com: Green Voice of Real Estate posts


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